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We’ve been in business for over 20 years and know not only the market but also its players.


We advise graduates of renowned universities of applied sciences and get in touch with young professionals before they are even looking for a job.


Our consultants are real industry insiders with relevant professional experience and therefore know exactly what is important for your job search.

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What do you need to go home with a smile on your face at the end of your working day? As an HR consultancy, it is our job to ask the right questions - even if they may look a little different to what you are used to. Because at Schulmeister Consulting, we are not content with job placement, but also like to support and guide our applicants in their medium- and long-term career planning. 


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Admittedly: There are now many recruitment consultancies. But only a few focus on certain specialist areas and therefore do not know the market and the industry well enough. That's what sets us apart!


Article by Clemens Riebl


Successful onboarding: 9 tips for the perfect start to your company

Recruiting tips

An effective onboarding program is an essential component of a company's success. Onboarding not only serves to familiarize employees with work processes and tools, but also plays a central role in the social integration of new colleagues into the team and the company culture. It is therefore important that onboarding is carried out professionally and efficiently. In this blog article, we give you nine valuable tips to make this initial period a complete success for your new employees.


Why is successful onboarding so important?

Onboarding is the technical training and social integration of a new employee into a company. This involves acquiring internal company skills and knowledge (workflows, position-specific daily and work processes, use of selected tools, type of time recording, etc.) but also getting to know the team, the social climate and the emotional acclimatization to the new job. A well-designed onboarding program is crucial because it sets the course for the long-term success and satisfaction of the new employee in the company. Effective onboarding improves employee retention and can therefore reduce the turnover rate. If someone is well trained right from the start, he/she feels valued and integrated, which leads to higher productivity and general job satisfaction.

All beginnings are difficult: Challenges in onboarding

Despite its importance, onboarding is often accompanied by challenges. One of the biggest difficulties is the amount of information that needs to be communicated to new employees, which often leads to excessive demands. In addition, integration into existing teams can cause social tensions if not enough support is provided. Companies also face the challenge of developing an onboarding program that is consistent and scalable, while also catering to the individual needs of employees. Such issues can complicate the onboarding process and reduce its effectiveness.

9 tips for successful onboarding

To help you overcome the challenges mentioned above, we have summarized 9 tips to make your onboarding a success:

1st tip: Preparation is everything 

Before the new employee has their first day, all the necessary preparations should be made. This includes providing the necessary hardware and software, but also ensuring that all administrative processes have been completed. A smooth start shows the new team member that they are working in a well-organized environment.

2nd tip: Set clear expectations 

Make sure new employees have clear information about their position and responsibilities from the start. This includes detailed job descriptions, as well as constant honest communication before and during the trial month.

3rd tip: Plan an induction program 

A structured induction program that goes beyond the first week or month can be crucial. Plan different sessions that cover both professional and company culture aspects and make sure that new employees have the opportunity to get to know colleagues and managers. 

4th tip: Appoint a mentor 

A mentor from the same area of work can be very helpful as the first point of contact for day-to-day questions and as support during the initial orientation in the company. This relationship also promotes social integration within the company.

5th tip: Set up feedback loops 

Regular feedback is a core part of any onboarding process. Schedule formal and informal check-ins to learn how the new team member is settling in and to make adjustments to the onboarding program if necessary.

6th tip: Communicating the company culture 

It is important that new employees understand and identify with the company culture. Incorporate presentations and conversations into the onboarding program that highlight the company's values and norms.

7th tip: Promote integration into the team

Social integration is an important aspect of new employee satisfaction and productivity. If possible, organize informal meetings or team events to get to know colleagues in an informal atmosphere.

8th tip: Show long-term prospects 

Employees are more motivated if they know that they have development opportunities within the company. Inform new team members about career paths and further training opportunities at an early stage.

9th tip: Evaluate and improve onboarding regularly

Effective onboarding is an iterative process. Gather feedback from new employees and experienced team members to continuously improve the program. Make sure your onboarding program keeps pace with the changing needs of the company and its employees.

Our conclusion: A successful start is the be-all and end-all

Consultant, Schulmeister

Professional onboarding paves the way to success

An effective onboarding program is much more than just an introduction to daily work tasks. It is the cornerstone for long-term employee retention and satisfaction. By implementing our nine tips, you can create a solid foundation for your new employees and promote a strong corporate culture.

Do you need support in your search for new employees? We are happy to help!



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Dr. Rita Niedermayr

Dr. Rita Niedermayr

Managing Director Controller Institute

"Due to their special professional competences in controlling, finance and accounting, the consultants of Schulmeister Management Consulting understand the needs of companies and candidates in this field to a particularly high degree."

Christiane Tusek

Christiane Tusek

Vice Rector for Finance

"In the meantime we have 5 first-class colleagues in our team. Schulmeister always supported us in the best and most competent way during the search, recognised the requirements and our needs excellently and implemented them quickly. We are more than satisfied with our new employees and can highly recommend Schulmeister."

Hannes Gruber

Hannes Gruber

Head of HR Global Headquarters

"We really appreciate professional cooperation with Schulmeister. Thanks to their support, we were able to successfully fill both expert and management positions. We would like to emphasise the way in which they thought their way into the position to be filled during the clarification of the assignment, the apt pre-selection as well as the professional candidate presentation on a global level."

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Lothar Kofranek

Quality Manager and Head of Administration

"Thanks to Schulmeister's support, our recruiting process went much more efficiently and quickly than we expected. Schulmeister's consultants not only know how to match professional expertise with our requirements, but also demonstrated a very keen sense of the character and personal qualities of all applicants. Schulmeister captured the atmospheric conditions in our company very well and considered the candidates not least in terms of social compatibility."

Article by Clemens Riebl


Successful onboarding: 9 tips for the perfect start to your company

Recruiting tips

An effective onboarding program is an essential component of a company's success. Onboarding not only serves to familiarize employees with work processes and tools, but also plays a central role in the social integration of new colleagues into the team and the company culture. It is therefore important that onboarding is carried out professionally and efficiently. In this blog article, we give you nine valuable tips to make this initial period a complete success for your new employees.


Why is successful onboarding so important?

Onboarding is the technical training and social integration of a new employee into a company. This involves acquiring internal company skills and knowledge (workflows, position-specific daily and work processes, use of selected tools, type of time recording, etc.) but also getting to know the team, the social climate and the emotional acclimatization to the new job. A well-designed onboarding program is crucial because it sets the course for the long-term success and satisfaction of the new employee in the company. Effective onboarding improves employee retention and can therefore reduce the turnover rate. If someone is well trained right from the start, he/she feels valued and integrated, which leads to higher productivity and general job satisfaction.

All beginnings are difficult: Challenges in onboarding

Despite its importance, onboarding is often accompanied by challenges. One of the biggest difficulties is the amount of information that needs to be communicated to new employees, which often leads to excessive demands. In addition, integration into existing teams can cause social tensions if not enough support is provided. Companies also face the challenge of developing an onboarding program that is consistent and scalable, while also catering to the individual needs of employees. Such issues can complicate the onboarding process and reduce its effectiveness.

9 tips for successful onboarding

To help you overcome the challenges mentioned above, we have summarized 9 tips to make your onboarding a success:

1st tip: Preparation is everything 

Before the new employee has their first day, all the necessary preparations should be made. This includes providing the necessary hardware and software, but also ensuring that all administrative processes have been completed. A smooth start shows the new team member that they are working in a well-organized environment.

2nd tip: Set clear expectations 

Make sure new employees have clear information about their position and responsibilities from the start. This includes detailed job descriptions, as well as constant honest communication before and during the trial month.

3rd tip: Plan an induction program 

A structured induction program that goes beyond the first week or month can be crucial. Plan different sessions that cover both professional and company culture aspects and make sure that new employees have the opportunity to get to know colleagues and managers. 

4th tip: Appoint a mentor 

A mentor from the same area of work can be very helpful as the first point of contact for day-to-day questions and as support during the initial orientation in the company. This relationship also promotes social integration within the company.

5th tip: Set up feedback loops 

Regular feedback is a core part of any onboarding process. Schedule formal and informal check-ins to learn how the new team member is settling in and to make adjustments to the onboarding program if necessary.

6th tip: Communicating the company culture 

It is important that new employees understand and identify with the company culture. Incorporate presentations and conversations into the onboarding program that highlight the company's values and norms.

7th tip: Promote integration into the team

Social integration is an important aspect of new employee satisfaction and productivity. If possible, organize informal meetings or team events to get to know colleagues in an informal atmosphere.

8th tip: Show long-term prospects 

Employees are more motivated if they know that they have development opportunities within the company. Inform new team members about career paths and further training opportunities at an early stage.

9th tip: Evaluate and improve onboarding regularly

Effective onboarding is an iterative process. Gather feedback from new employees and experienced team members to continuously improve the program. Make sure your onboarding program keeps pace with the changing needs of the company and its employees.

Our conclusion: A successful start is the be-all and end-all

Consultant, Schulmeister

Professional onboarding paves the way to success

An effective onboarding program is much more than just an introduction to daily work tasks. It is the cornerstone for long-term employee retention and satisfaction. By implementing our nine tips, you can create a solid foundation for your new employees and promote a strong corporate culture.

Do you need support in your search for new employees? We are happy to help!



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