Do you want a job in IT, finance or technology?

One application - many options. Upload your CV and we will find your dream job.


Are you an employer?  We fill your vacancies quickly and efficiently.


Schulmeister Consulting Personnel Consultant smiling

What do we love about recruiting? 

Matching people with jobs.  


Thanks to our talent pool, we accelerate the time to hire so that you’re always one step ahead of your competitors.


We’ve been in business for over 20 years and know not only the market but also its players.


We advise graduates of renowned universities of applied sciences and get in touch with young professionals before they are even looking for a job.


Our consultants are real industry insiders with relevant professional experience and therefore know exactly what is important for your job search.

We believe in 
making your life work better by
making your work life better.

What do you need to go home with a smile on your face at the end of your working day? As an HR consultancy, it is our job to ask the right questions - even if they may look a little different to what you are used to. Because at Schulmeister Consulting, we are not content with job placement, but also like to support and guide our applicants in their medium- and long-term career planning. 


Your specialised personnel consultancy: figures that speak for themselves.







Admittedly: There are now many recruitment consultancies. But only a few focus on certain specialist areas and therefore do not know the market and the industry well enough. That's what sets us apart!


In today's hectic working world, many people long for more happiness and satisfaction at work. A…

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The candidate experience, i.e. the experience that applicants have during the entire recruitment…

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An effective onboarding program is an essential component of a company's success. Onboarding not…

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In order to remain competitive in the dynamic labour market, it is never too early for companies to…

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In recent years, the concept of ESG (environmental, social and governance) has gained unprecedented…

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Is your company repeatedly confronted with staff shortages during unforeseeable commercial demand? A…

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Are you looking for your first real full-time job? Then you're probably wondering what salary you…

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There are many reasons you might be thinking about a new job. Do you want a higher salary? Do you…

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The effects of ESG are currently keeping the world of work on its toes. Not only have corporate…

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Traditional personnel leasing is already a proven model on the labour market, offering companies…

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The labour market and the recruiting world are constantly changing. What's in today will be out…

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The world of start-ups is characterised by innovation, flexibility and a dynamic working…

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The current dynamic business world requires flexibility and adaptability, especially when it comes…

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The all-in contract in Austria is an employment agreement that promises flexibility, but also brings…

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Christmas is just around the corner, New Year's Eve is approaching, contemplation and calm are in…

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It's that time again: the annual staff appraisals are coming up. They are actually a good instrument…

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In today's highly competitive business world, finding staff is a growing challenge for companies -…

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The ongoing development of artificial intelligence (AI) has transformed various industries in recent…

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In a world that is constantly changing, it is crucial for companies to be able to adapt quickly and…

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In the dynamic world of the real estate market, competition for qualified professionals is more…

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Welcome to a world where artificial intelligence (AI) has already revolutionised numerous…

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At a time when protecting the environment and promoting social responsibility are becoming…

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The search for qualified employees is one of the key challenges facing companies in today's shortage…

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Your resume, also known as your curriculum vitae (CV), is the critical document for your…

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At a time when competition for talent is more intense than ever, the recruiting process can become a…

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The 13th and 14th month salary, also known as "Christmas bonus" and "vacation bonus," are terms that…

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Year after year, Austria attracts people from all over the world who want to live, work or study…

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The world of recruiting has changed a lot in recent years. Modern technologies have opened up new…

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A job interview is coming up, and the nervousness is rising. But don't worry - in today's digital…

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The rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI) has already revolutionized many aspects of our…

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You made it and received an invitation to a job interview? Congratulations! This is a great…

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Although it's rarely an easy step, there are situations in life when quitting becomes inevitable.…

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A convincing resume is the be-all and end-all of the job search. It is the first document that…

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Are you an international worker looking to start a career in Austria? Or perhaps you're already…

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Vienna - a city of historical charm, cultural diversity and high quality of life. The Austrian…

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Retaining employees is more important than ever for employers today. In times of a shortage of…

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In times of Instagram, TikTok and Co, presence on social media is taking on a huge role in our…

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In the application process, it is not always easy for job seekers to find a job or employer that…

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Looking for a new job can be very exciting, but frustrating at the same time. Anyone who has ever…

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Happy employees are the key to productive, motivated work and long-term service. That's why it's…

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The Kununu Score is a key figure that measures the satisfaction of employees in companies. It is…

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Are you communicative, do you love working with people and do you enjoy taking on a mediating role?…

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Welcome to the Metaverse - the virtual world where recruiting becomes an interactive and exciting…

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The search for skilled staff and the battle for highly qualified talent will be the biggest…

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In today's competitive business environment, finding qualified and talented employees can be a major…

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Women in technology - a topic that has come more and more into focus in recent years. Because…

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The whole world is currently looking at Chat GPT. As an artificial intelligence, Chat GPT provides…

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Looking for the big love or the dream job? The job search and the partner:ing search have more in…

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The motives of people why they go to work and why they choose a certain job have changed greatly in…

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We all know how time-consuming and stressful application processes are. As an applicant, you have to…

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Recruiting new employees is an important process for any company as it helps to find and hire the…

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Employed by the same company all your life? That hardly ever happens today. Changing jobs is normal…

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Are you just starting your professional life or are you looking for a new job? What comes next…

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The working world has changed radically in the past two years. A survey conducted jointly by the…

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Job advertisement in the local press and a promotion stand at the career fair with two roll-ups and…

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Do all your friends and acquaintances keep getting messages from recruiters on LinkedIn? But so far,…

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Retaining employees is a Herculean task. Once the first step has been taken and new colleagues start…

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We made it! Five years at the commercial academy, five years of learning, five years of teaching.…

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Our network, your advantage.

Find and retain skilled workers: We support you in this.

What distinguishes us as a recruitment consultancy? Our clear specialization in the finance, IT and real estate sectors. Plus: All of our consultants have industry-specific training and professional experience - because experts like to communicate at eye level.

Schulmeister Recruiting Personalvermittlung Personalberater in Anzug Robert Svetez

Leading in finance.

Welcome to the No. 1: We are Austria's leading personnel consultancy in the financial sector - and have been for over 20 years.  



Schulmeister Recruiting Personalvermittlung junior Personalberaterin mit Buch in der Hand

IT recruiting at eye level.

Our IT consultants fill even the most demanding positions. To do this, they recruit worldwide and in several languages - IT jargon included.



Very well connected.

Whether asset managers or positions in property management: thanks to our contacts in the real estate industry, we always have the right candidates in mind.  



In 3 simple steps to your dream job


Simply upload your CV. 


CV fits the job? We get to know each other.


Convince potential employers now! 

Is Schulmeister your perfect match? Ask our customers!

Dr. Rita Niedermayr

Dr. Rita Niedermayr

Managing Director Controller Institute

"Due to their special professional competences in controlling, finance and accounting, the consultants of Schulmeister Management Consulting understand the needs of companies and candidates in this field to a particularly high degree."

Christiane Tusek

Christiane Tusek

Vice Rector for Finance

"In the meantime we have 5 first-class colleagues in our team. Schulmeister always supported us in the best and most competent way during the search, recognised the requirements and our needs excellently and implemented them quickly. We are more than satisfied with our new employees and can highly recommend Schulmeister."

Hannes Gruber

Hannes Gruber

Head of HR Global Headquarters

"We really appreciate professional cooperation with Schulmeister. Thanks to their support, we were able to successfully fill both expert and management positions. We would like to emphasise the way in which they thought their way into the position to be filled during the clarification of the assignment, the apt pre-selection as well as the professional candidate presentation on a global level."

Lothar Kofranek

Lothar Kofranek

Quality Manager and Head of Administration

"Thanks to Schulmeister's support, our recruiting process went much more efficiently and quickly than we expected. Schulmeister's consultants not only know how to match professional expertise with our requirements, but also demonstrated a very keen sense of the character and personal qualities of all applicants. Schulmeister captured the atmospheric conditions in our company very well and considered the candidates not least in terms of social compatibility."

In today's hectic working world, many people long for more happiness and satisfaction at work. A deeper understanding of the mechanisms of happiness… Read more

The candidate experience, i.e. the experience that applicants have during the entire recruitment process, plays a decisive role in attracting new… Read more

An effective onboarding program is an essential component of a company's success. Onboarding not only serves to familiarize employees with work… Read more